Prompt Sphere for Everyone

Proven & tested ready-made prompt packs for you to copy & paste into your work

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Marketing Prompt Pack

Automate work for all the mundane marketing-related tasks.

  • 2099+ marketing prompts
  • 200+ tasks to automate

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Web Dev

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Developer Prompt Pack

Set up, design & overview websites easier than ever with web developer prompts
  • 999+ web development prompts
  • 199+ development tasks

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🤝 Ultimate ChatGPT
HR Prompt Pack

Speed up most of HR-related work quicker using our ChatGPT prompts
  • 999+ prompts for HR work
  • 250+ tasks to automate

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Support Prompt Pack

Enable ChatGPT to become your helper with support prompts.
  • 999+ customer support prompts
  • 180+ tasks to automate

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MidJourney Prompt Pack

Automate your agency faster with proven and tested agency prompts
  • 999+ agency prompts
  • 190+ agency tasks to automate

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Productivity Prompt Pack

Automate your day-to-day tasks with hundreds of productivity prompts
  • 1099+ productivity prompts
  • 219+ productivity tasks to automate

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Prompt Pack Bundle

All the prompt packs, in one place. Buy now from PromptSphere
  • 10,000+ ChatGPT prompts
  • 2,000+ tasks to automate

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